This page is still kind sketchy, and completely unedited. Not sure when I'll finish it!

New Dehli

I flew into New Dehli in January, 1991. I spent a few days getting acclimated (it was -20 F in Fairbanks when I left, and 70 F in Dehli) and adjusted to the country.


From New Dehli I took a bus to Agra. The bus, though crowded, was an interesting trip. Agra is famous for the Taj Mahal, and it certainly is a work of art. The Taj was built as a monument to love, and what a monument it is.


From Agra I took a train to Bhopal. I wanted to see what Indian life was like in a less touristy area. I think I like it better! Though it was a little on the warm side there.


From Agra I flew to Khajuraho, which is where some old (1,000 year old) Hindu temples are. Khajuraho is a smaller town and (in spite of the hordes of tourists) warm and friendly.


I flew back into Agra for another week.

New Dehli

I passed through New Dehli, on my way to


Mussurie is a hill town built by the British to escape the summer heat in New Dehli. It is perched on the top of a ridge above the Dune River valley, at an altitude of over 5,000 feet. I had a pleasant stay there, visiting with some friends who were working at Woodstock School.

New Dehli

From Mussurie I returned to New Dehli and then flew home.


Bombay (Mumbai)

During our honeymoon cruise around the world, we stopped for a day.  Initially we anchored out and took the 'dingy' ashore.  Frankie and I explored parts of this huge city, visiting historic buildings, parks, temples and so on.  Frankie didn't like the dirt and squalor; I found the city fascinating.  See March 22-23 for the journal entry of our stay.


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