Ray's Addresses

My regular address:

Ray R. Collins

P.O. Box 70996

Fairbanks, AK 99707

My Web addresses:

Email: r_junk8@yahoo.com [note: currently receiving 200 junk email/day on this account, so the junk
email restrictions are very tight--call me if you can't get through.

Web site: http://www.sail2ak.com/ray/main.html

My old company, TANSTAAFL.

My current company, Ray's Rentals

The Space Group, The International Space Exploration and Colonization Company

Phone Numbers

(Alas, I have far too many!)

Area code: 907

Home (when I'm not living in Mars Base Zero): 457-344eight

Coal and Heat office (2390 Goldstream Rd): 456-COAL

Branch office, Ray's Rentals (315 W. 5th North Pole Utility room--forwarded): 488-1001

Main office: 456-2571

And about 6 more including cell and monitoring phone numbers



Mars Base Zero: off Goldhill Road (better write if you want to come here so I can give you specific instructions).

Branch office Ray's Rentals: 315 W. 5th North Pole (Utility Room)

Main office: 3170 College Road #7

The current copyright laws protect this page, even though not specifically copyrighted.

However if you want to use portions of it feel free to do so, though I would appreciate it if you would acknowledge my authorship.

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