Ideas to Reduce
Energy Consumption
All the regular ideas:
- Make sure all lights, computers, TVs, etc are always off when not
in use.
- Turn down the heat to 68, and during the summer have the air
conditioning set no lower than 85.
- Drive slower
- Accelerate from a stop slowly
A few more exotic (read: difficult) ideas:
- Turn off the water heater 3-4 days a week (eg from Tuesday
morning through Saturday night)
- Turn off
the heat at night, unless the morning temperature will be below 55; if
it will be below 55, turn it down to 55
- Double your primary driving miles per gallon (eg if you now own a
car that gets 25 mpg, trade up to one that gets 50; if driving one that
gets 50 buy a scooter that gets 100). Do this irregardless of
whether you can afford it (if you can't, STOP DRIVING!)
- Reduce pleasure driving (eg no destination, just driving for fun)
by 75-100%
- Remove all incandescent bulbs, replace with LED's (if
possible--they are very expensive), if not then flourescent
- If you read in be at night, use an LED reading light rather than
a bedside lamp
- Get all those night lights, odurizers, etc out of the outlets--a
small consumption, yes, but all adds up
- When coming up to a stop light or stop sign (or any stopping
situation), try not to use the brakes: merely take your foot off the
gas longer in advance
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Last messed with spring 1999.
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