- 11-10 Intro to optics; general
background info
- 11-17 Polarization; pleochroism; Becke lines; Isotropic;
- 11-19 Isotropic materials; indicatrix; dispersion; anisotropic
materials; birefractants; optic sign; ray velocity surface;
prolate & oblate spheroids; birefringence
- 11-24 Indacatrix; birefringence; o & e rays; E & E';
extinction positions; interference; vector sums; fast & slow
rays; retardation
- 11-26 Conoscopic light; Interference figures; isogyres;
isochromes; retardation; off center optic axis figure; test for
uniaxiality; flash figure
- 12-1 Uniaxial or isotropic? Optic sign; sign of elongation;
birefringence; pleochroism; flash figures; mica & fullwave
plate &quartz wedges; finding w & E
- 12-3
- 12-8
- 12-10
- 12-15: FINAL EXAM!
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