Sithylemenkat Structural Notes

The bluff just north of Sithylemenkat Lake has considerable jointing in it. This jointing was measured and found to lie primarily in 2 planes: NE and NW. By plotting these two different sets of planes as stereonets we are able to see this. NE stereonet; NW stereonet. This data is taken from a table made of the field info, and run through the program StereoNet to produce the graphs.

The most interesting aspect of the joints is that they are sub-parallel to the antecedent stream curves (that is, it is believed the stream was in place prior to the bluff it cuts through, and thus the stream eroded down the strike of the joint sets). The stream has 2 primary directions; the first is NE (56° ) and the second is NW (53° ). This corresponds quite well to the joint sets, which are 40° E and 45° NW.




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