Phanerozoic Eon
Present-570 million years ago
Cenozoic Era (Present to 66 million years ago)
- Quaternary period
- Holocene Epoch (present-10,000)
- Pleistocene Epoch (10,000-2,000,000)
- Tertiary Period (2-66)
- Neogene Period (2-24)
- Pliocene (2-5)
- Miocene (5-24)
- Paleogene Period (24-66)
- Oligocene (24-37)
- Eocene (37-58)
- Paleocene (58-66)
Mezozoic Era (66-245 million years ago)
- Cretaceous (66-144)
- Jurassic (144-208)
- Triassic (208-245)
Paleozoic Era (245-570 million
years ago)
- Permian (245-286)
- Carboniferous (286-360)
- Pennsylvanian (286-320)
- Mississippian (320-360)
- Devonian (360-408)
- Silurian (408-438)
- Ordovician (438-505)
- Cambrian (505-570)
Proterozoic Eon
570-2500 million years ago
- Neoproterozoic Era (570-1000)
- Mesoproterozoic (1000-1600)
- Paleoproterozoic (1600-2500
2.5-3.8 billion years ago
- Late (2500-3000)
- Middle (3000-3400)
- Early (3400-3800)
Hadean Eon
3.8-4.6 billion years ago
Alternate listing
from UAF geology department.
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This page last messed with spring 1999
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