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ISECCo Workfest 2002!

The International Space Exploration and Colonization Company (ISECCo) will be holding their annual Workfest this Thursday May 23 through Sunday May 26 at their research facility on Goldhill Road. The goal of this year's Workfest is to get the crops planted.

ISECCo is a local non-profit all-volunteer organization which has been committed to the advancement of space colonization since 1988. Critical to the human habitation of space is life support technology which includes sustainable food production. ISECCo has built a semi-Closed Ecological Life Support System facility in preparation for a fully closed system. We are currently operating the facility, named Mars Base Zero, to achieve a balanced diet that minimizes crop area and maximizes yield.

For more information or to volunteer to help see or call 488-1001.

Copyright © May 2002