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ISECCo 1998 Annual Meeting of Members

May 30, 1999

Minutes by Frankie Nichols, organizational secretary

Call to order 7:45 pm

Members present: Ray Collins, Debi-Lee Wilkinson, Fred Nichols, Frances Nichols, Tamer Smyth

Proxies recieved by meeting time: Richard Guse, Robert Hale, Debra Hisle, Kraig Smyth

Old Busisness:

Debi motion to approve 1998 minutes (fix typo).

Tamer seconded the motion. All present in favor.


This year we have no new bylaw reviews to do.


Our board of Directors remains the same.


Old business:

Our bylaws Article III needs to be reviewed, especially the electronic membership definition.

No other old busisness

New Business

We have no pressing new business to review. Ongoing operations will remain the same for the coming year.

Kraig Smyth is currently serving as Vice President. He has covered this position very well, so the President has nominated him to serve another 2


Tamer seconded the nomination. All present in favor, all proxies in favor.

Richard S. Guse is currently serving as Treasurer. He may be moving from Alaska, and he thinks it might not be a good idea for him to continue as Treasurer. So we need a new treasure.

Ray nominates Dan Foltz.

Debi seconded the nomination. Tamer and Fred abstained, all others present in favor, 1 proxy in favor, all other proxies blank.

Chris Lynn is currently serving as General Secretary. We have found her work to be very satisfactory and the President nominates her to serve another 2 year term in office.

Frances seconded the nomination. All present in favor, all proxies in favor

Frances (Frankie) Nichols is currently serving as Organizational Secretary. She has been instrumental in keeping our email running smoothly, and the President nominates her to serve another 2 years.

Debi seconded the nomination. Frances abstained, all others present in favor, all proxies in favor.

Ray proposes changing the description of Oganizational Secretary to include meeting preparation. This is to better align the position description with actual work done.

Frances seconded the proposal

All present in favor, not on proxy

Tamer volunteered to give an ISECCo Discount to all paying (monetary or volunteer labor) members for computer related products purchased from Silicon Rush Technologies.

Discussion of this years operation schedule.

Motion to adjourn by Debi, seconded by Tamer. All present in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.

Copyright © Summer 1999