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Saturday, 20 January, 1996

ISECCo annual meeting of members

The evening began with a dinner of moose stew and potato salad with apple pie at 5pm.

715 PM Call to order official start of meeting

Members present were:
Ray Collins, Richard Guse, Chris Lynn, J. Kraig Smyth,
Frances Nichols, Robert Hale III, Ram Paravastu, Debi-Lee Wilkinson

Proxies were tallied. There were five sent in (Ellen Million, Chandra Schaeffer, Channon Price, Keith Ofsowitz, Debra Hisle).

Ray Collins was nominated for director by Robert Hale. The nomination was seconeded by Chris Lynn. There was 4 proxies in favor, and none opposed. The vote was unanimously in favor from all present.

Richard Guse was nominated for director by Chris Lynn. The nomination was seconded by Debi Wilkinson. There was 4 proxies in favor, and none opposed. The vote was unanimously in favor from all present.

Chris Lynn was nominated for general secretary by Kraig Smyth. The nomination was seconded by Richard Guse. There was 4 proxies in favor, and none opposed. The vote was unanimously in favor from all present.

Frances Nichols was nominated for organizational secretary by Robert Hale. The nomination was seconded by Ram P. There was 1 proxy in favor (name write in), and none opposed (no names were on list for nominees). The vote was unanimously in favor from all present.

Kraig Smyth was nominated for vice-president by Ram. The nomination was seconded by Debi. There was 3 proxies in favor, and none opposed. The vote was unanimously in favor from all present.

Richard Guse was nominated for treasurer by Frances Nichols. The nomination was seconded by Kraig. There were no proxy votes either way because his name was not on the list (actually no one was on the list). The vote was unanimously in favor from all present.

Motion to add a new membership type, for e-mail members receiving updates and meeting notices only, by Robert. The motion was seconded by Debi. There was 3 proxies in favor and 1 opposed. The vote was unanimously in favor from all present.

Discussion of name for new membership type name. The favorites, after vote, were free internet observer (5 votes), and cybernaut (3 votes).

Motion to review Article I of by laws by Robert. The motion was seconded by Kraig. There was no changes proposed. This will extend sunset until the year 2006. There was 1 proxy in favor and 1 opposed. The vote was unanimously in favor from all present. The article is unchanged.

Motion to a modification of voting members by Robert. The motion was seconded by Kraig. It would create a quorum of contributing members needed to hold a meeting. Members not contributing would vote but not be counted in the quorum. There was 3 proxies opposed and 1 for. Of the members present, 7 people were for and 2 were against.

Lengthy discussion of previous measure.

Motion to postpone prior measure by Chris. The motion was seconded by Robert. Motion given because vote was too close and more discussion and research needed. The vote was unanimous by all present.

Motion to fix typo in Article III regarding changing 250 hours to 1250 hours by Robert. The motion was seconded by Frances. The motion was not included on the proxies. The vote was unanimously in favor from all present. Sunset provision for article now expires 2006.

Robert left at 8:30.

Review of article IV discussion.

Motion to change gender specific wording in article IV by Chris. The motioned was seconded by Debi. The vote was unanimously in favor from all present.

Motion to change, in article IV, "he shall" to "the president shall" by Chris. The motion was seconded by Ram. The vote was unanimously in favor from all present.

Motion to change, in article IV, "he shall" to "the treasure shall" by Chris. The motion was seconded by Richard. The vote was unanimously in favor from all present.

Motion to change, in article IV, "his transactions" to "performed as treasurer" by Chris. The motion was seconded by Debi. The vote was unanimously in favor by all present.

These changes change the sunset expiration date until 2006 for article IV.

Motion to change gender specific wording in article XI by Chris. Motion dead because no one seconded.

Motion to review article XI with no changes, for purpose to extend sunset revision until 2006. The motion was seconded by Frances. The vote was unanimously in favor by all present who voted. Chris abstained from voting.

Discussion of UAF club.

Motion not to change by laws at this time for specific inclusion of an article for clubs by Richard. The motion was seconded by Debbie. The vote was unanimously in favor by all present.

Motion to recommend the board of directors recognize a proposed ISECCo club at UAF by Chris. The motion was seconded by Frances. The vote was unanimously in favor by all present.

Motion to assist in the formation of UAF ISECCo chapter by Richard. The motion was seconded by Chris. The vote was unanimously in favor by all present.

Lengthy discussion on UAF chapter.

Motion to table discussion of club by Frances. The motion was seconded by Kraig.

Point of order by Richard.

The vote was unanimously in favor by all present

Review of Mars Base 0. Estimated hours needed in 1996 = 2410.

Proposal from proxy to continue work on Mars Base 0. Proposal seconded by Richard. There was 4 proxies for and 1 abstaining. The vote was unanimously in favor by all present.

Proposal to continue "ice gun" from proxy.

Limited discussion of proposal for 5 minutes to Ray.

Motion to postpone project until after 1996 by Debi. The motion was seconded by Chris. There was 2 proxies in favor and 1 opposed. The vote was all in favor except Kraig of those present.

Motion to continue web upgrade as on proxy. There was 5 proxies for.

Lengthy discussion of web project.

Call to order by Richard.

Call question by Kraig on web site continuation. Call seconded by Debi. There was 5 proxies for continuation. Chris was opposed. Frances abstained from voting. Of others present the vote was unanimously in favor.

Discussion of 1994 newsletter options.
From proxies:
skip (put with '95): 3 proxies for
drop altogether: 1 proxy
finish it: 1 proxy

Motion by Chris for Ray to turn over 1994 newsletter on 28 Jan 1996. Chris will edit, print, and copy by Feb 1996. We will have a meeting 7 pm on 3 Feb 1996 to prepare outgoing mail. The motion was seconded by Richard. The vote was unanimously in favor by all present.

Moot motion 4a in proxy.

offer refund and request to keep: 5 proxies

not mention it: 0 proxies

Motion to table discussion on space gun by Frances. The motion was seconded by Debi. The vote was unanimously in favor by all present.

Motion to get office space for ISECCo by Debi. The motion was seconded by Richard. All proxy abstained. The vote was unanimously in favor by all present.

Motion to share office space with TANSTAAFL Inc. on/before Aug 1996 as available per TANSTAAFL at a cost of $1500 for 2 years paid upfront by Chris. The motion was seconded by Kraig. The vote was unanimously in favor by all present.

Motion to spend (appx 300 hrs) time to upgrade and consolidate office by Kraig. The motion was seconded by Chris. There was 1 proxy in favor and 4 abstained. The vote was unanimously in favor by all present.

11:30 official break

11:35 resume

garden discussion

Motion for full garden with Ray and Frances as primary workers with time at pre-plant to review proposal by Richard. The motion was seconded by Ram. Frances, Debi, and Kraig abstained from voting. Of those voting the motion was unanimously in favor.

Discussion on buying Marilyn's land.

12:00 Debi leaves.

Motion to allow Ray to solicit investors to buy Marilyn's land. The motion was seconded by Kraig. The vote was unanimously in favor by those present. Not on proxy.

Motion to postpone sailboat lottery until 1997 by Frances. The motion was seconded by Kraig. The vote was unanimously in favor by those present. Not on proxy. discussion

Motion to obtain domain name ( by Ram. The motion was seconded by Richard. The vote was unanimously in favor by those present. Not on proxy.

discussion on renaming meetings

discussion on time needed for 1996

discussion on logging hours via web

discussion of sponsoring The 9 Planets web site after completion of ISECCo web page

Motion to postpone sponsorship discussion until 1997 by Chris. The motion was seconded by Frances. The vote was unanimously in favor by those present. Not on proxy.

Motion to adjourn by Chris. The motion was seconded by Kraig. The vote was unanimously in favor by those present.

1:10 meeting adjourned.