
***        * *                                               * *         ***             
***        * *                    To Sam:                    * *         ***
***        * *     May whatever path you follow give you     * *         ***
***        * *             Peace & Contentment.              * *         ***
***        * *                                               * *         ***
***        *****************************************************         ***
***                                                                      ***
***                Shores Without Boundary                               ***
***                                                                      ***
***             Ageless shores of golden sand                            ***
***             Sleeping woods of mist and calm                          ***
***             Glassy reflection of moon and sun                        ***
***             Lighting this mystical magical place                     ***
***             Where I touch the past and the future.                   ***
***             I can but visit:                                         ***
***             Time without end;                                        ***
***             Eternity in a flash.                                     ***
***             I come to commune,                                       ***
***                  To Absorb,                                          ***
***                    To Feel,                                          ***
***                       To Taste                                       ***
***             Wisdom of the Old Ones;                                  ***
***                  The Magic of Those Who Went Before.                 ***
***                                                                      ***
***             Peace & contentment where I sit.                         ***
***             Secret silent spot,                                      ***
***                  Mystical magical place of quiet.                    ***
***             A stirring in the willows,                               ***
***             A ripple across the water:                               ***
***             The Old Ones Walk.                                       ***
***             Following paths that are no more,                        ***
***             Invisible to all, touched by few.                        ***
***             I am the quiet one                                       ***
***             Seeking communion with The Ones Who Went Before,         ***
***               Finding solitude                                       ***
***                  Paths untouched                                     ***
***                     & quiet beauty.                                  ***
***             The Old Ones Walk.                                       ***
***             Passing through this secret silent spot                  ***
***                  Where I sit;                                        ***
***             Knowledge told not, but absorbed:                        ***
***             I learn the ways of the Untouched Land                   ***
***             Where the wild ones prosper                              ***
***             And the savages of civilization tread not.               ***
***             Limitless horizons forever shrinking                     ***
***             The Ones Who Went Before                                 ***
***             Unconstrained by time or thought.                        ***
***             Down the path of Quiet Magic                             ***
***             They lead me.                                            ***
***             I know not where                                         ***
***             Nor do I care                                            ***
***             For my soul has been                                     ***
***             Untied, unleashed: freen.                                ***
***                                                                      ***
***             I am a wanderer,                                         ***
***             Wandering here & there                                   ***
***             Seeking knowledge                                        ***
***             Across the shores of the Universe.                       ***
***             I seek to quench my thirst                               ***
***             At the well dug by the Old Ones,                         ***
***             And filled by The Ones Who Went Before:                  ***
***             Knowledge of the ages shall fill me                      ***
***             Yet dampen not these fires within me.                    ***
***             Rather they shall burn more brightly,                    ***
***             Fueled with Magic,                                       ***
***                  Fanned by the quiet wisdom of the Old Ones          ***
***                  And the spells of the Ones Who Went Before.         ***
***                                                                      ***
***             Wisdom gained in the wild places                         ***
***             Seeps through my soul;                                   ***
***             Lighting my way through the dark nights;                 ***
***             I can see without sight.                                 ***
***             Sacred is the Magic from the past,                       ***
***             For it is Peace.                                         ***
***             Hallowed is this Mystical,                               ***
***                  Magical place where I sit,                          ***
***             For all there are content.                               ***
***                              --Ray--                                 ***
***                                                                      ***