December 30

Bob and Frankie took me to the airport at 5 am. Unfortunately the plane, which was supposed to leave to Seattle at 6 am, didn't have a pilot. So I wound up waiting in the airport until after 8 when they finally got a pilot to fly the thing out. This ment that I missed my flight out of Seattle. Fortunately the folks at Delta were very helpful and managed to get me to Orlando only 3 hours late.

I rented a car and drove over to Tittusville, where I rented a room for the night.

December 31

Spent the night near Orlando.

January 1

I got ahold of Alan Drysdale and we arranged to have dinner. I spent the day wandering around the visitors center at Kennedy. After a nice dinner and discussions with Alan, Jo (?) and his kids I returned to Titusville and rented a room for the night. I was definitely coming down with a cold, and it kept me up most of the night.

January 2

I was feeling very poor today, so I spent most of the day in bed. Got up just long enough to wander out to the visitors center to watch the IMAX 3d L-5 movie.

January 3

Still feeling really lousy. But I had to be in Ft Lauderdale so I got up at 10 and by 11 was under way. Got down there and found a hotel close to where I had to drop the car off. After a nap I had dinner and returned the car.

Continued: A Cruise through the Panama Canal