
Review of quiz.


1-1 correspondence to a structure and the name

Chemical Abstract (CA)

Steps for naming

  1. divide up structure into parent chain and various constituents
  2. locant is the carbon atom to which the substituent is attached
  3. parent root refers to the # C's
  4. suffix refers to the functional group of chain
  1. in front, you list substituents
  1. eg 3 methyl-5,5-diethyl [parent root # C's] suffix of functional group
  1. for example
  1. alphabetical orders (these are all substituents responsible for, in alpab. Order)
  1. We are not responsible for complex substituents
  2. Nor pentyl substituents
  3. Maximize the number of substituents.

Two types of quiz questions:

  1. given name, write struture
  2. given structure, write name


Occurrence of common names

Conformational Analysis of Alkanes and Cycloalkanes

Rotation between carbon bonds is possible

conformation = different spin orientation around sigma bond

Visualize conformations using Newman Projection