Thurs 6:15-7:15; Recitation in 204 NS

Bicarbonate CHO3- (HCO3-)

  1. total # valence e-= 1(4)+1(1)+3(6)+1 = 24
  2. 24-8(used e-) = 16; 18-16 used = 2, so need another bond; put between the oxygen & carbon (ie double bond

There are two ways to check your bonds:

  1. Count total number of electrons
  2. count the octets

Formal charge on atom = group #-sum of (# non-bonded e- + #bonds to atom)

Other formulas

As you go across the periodic table you are increasing effective nuclear charge.

molecular dipole moment = vector sum of individual bond dipole moments

Acid dissociation

Use curved arrows to show where the electrons are moving to.

isomers are the same molecule that have the same atoms, but different connections between atoms.

Stereo-chemistry is the chemistry of shapes (how the molecule is arranged)